Posts Tagged ‘Murfreesboro Real Estate’

Prevent Pest this winter !!!!!!!!!

The winter season can welcome pests that want to stay warm and dry with you the homeowner. Mice can enter you home through the space of a nickel, once these mice enter your home the can cause considerable damage and pose serious health risk to people and pets.  The home owner must inspect for rodent […]

Divorcing Homeowners Beware – What You Don’t Know During Your Divorce Will Hurt You More, Long After.

Murfreesboro, TN, July 8-9, 2008 – The family home is usually the biggest (if not only) asset in most divorces. However, when dividing marital property, appraisal minus mortgage does NOT equal equity. This incomplete equation leaves your house over-valued and that works against you in divorce.  In addition to the inaccurate and unfair division of […]

Testimonial from happy client

July 21, 2008 If you need to sell your house, let me tell you there are only 2 real-estate agents out there that can do the job and do it right.  That would be Todd Taylor and Nathan Thompson.  I am personally recommending them to every single person in Middle Tennessee who actually wants to […]